1. terrorist/insurgent
2. collateral damage/friendly fire
3. development projects
4. Enlightened moderation
5. operation/dispersed/operated upon
6. independent judiciary
7. democracy
I love how she ends the article:
Mr Sharif and Mrs Zardari are not democrats, they are demodictators -- sheeps in designer wolves clothing. Tonight, while you ponder the excitement of all this latest deal making and 'democracy', do me a favour -- do a Google search or a newspaper archive search of the years 1988-1999 and tell me if that's the 'democracy' and the 'leaders' you want to return to. We are a nation 165 million people strong; we have more than three choices.Source: The Pakistani language of terror
Thanks for the referral.
The only editorial I reach out to these days are by Javed Choudry and Adil Najam.
I'll be lookin for Ms. Bhutto in the future.
P.S. How are things?
I love her writings. Probably because she's our age group, and speaks in a tone that we usually use.
I loved how she handled all the "Frequently Asked Questions" that people send her to her personal email address (that she puts on her articles).
Here's the link: http://www.thenews.com.pk/editorial_detail.asp?id=70611
Lolz@will you marry me.
Reminds me of an old song.
And you are a bigger geek and a way bigger theeta than me.
And I wasn't expecting that you wouldn't make a hyper-link :D
How could I forget that!! damn!
Btw, if you are not as lazy as you have always been, follow these steps:
1. Triple click the link
2. Ctrl+C (Copy)
3. Ctrl+T (Open new Tab)
4. Ctrl+V (Paste)
5. Enter
You still remember how lazy I was :D
I feel important :D
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