For example, if Rajeev and Sanjay are friends, and Sanjay needs a chauffeur, he can view Rajeev’s page, travel to the page of Rajeev’s chauffeur and see which of the chauffeur’s friends are looking for similar work.Searching for kaam wali, driver, gardeners etc. will be made easier with this social network. I wonder when someone will make this for Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad... We use phones and messengers for this purpose already; why not setup a site? and make money out of it? What do you say my entrepreneur friends?
Source: In India, Poverty Inspires Technology Workers to Altruism
Hmm ... maybe I've missed something but who will make pages for all those kaam wala's and wali's. Last I checked, none of my kaam wala's was computer literate.
How is that site by the Bangalore people doing this?
Quoting from the source:
"Babajob pays anyone, from charities to Internet cafe owners, who finds job seekers and registers them online. (Babajob earns its keep from employers’ advertisements, diverting a portion of that to those who register job seekers.) And instead of creating an anonymous job bazaar, Babajob replicates online the process by which Indians hire in real life: through chains of personal connections."
So, you ask your kaam wali if she knows anyone looking for a job and you post it on her site. And if that person finds a job through your reference, you get paid, your friend finds a kaam wali and you get the duas of the new kaam wali who got a job!
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